In Crossings, land use, public policy, and transparency are examined through the undisclosed Keystone Pipeline route –as revealed by Google Street View, the dispassionate and automated documentarian of our nation’s roadways. The 180° diptychs compiled here are composed of opposing camera views from each intersection of the Keystone pipeline corridor with Google’s roving camera. This is a historical moment, captured incidentally, immediately accessible for a year or so, and then replaced at the next passing of the camera.
This segment of the Keystone Mainline extends through South Dakota from the North Dakota border to Nebraska. Forty “crossings” are shown here. Images are ordered north to south. Click on any image to begin viewing enlarged images.
Additional KMP Google Earth views are available here.
Images and KML files are for personal use only. Distribution and posting to the Internet is not permitted without written permission. All site contents ©Thomas Bachand 2017.