Updated: Nebraska Keystone XL map

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) announced earlier this month a revised route for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline through Nebraska. The Keystone Mapping Project (KMP) has incorporated the changes to show the Northern, Clarks, and Western Alternatives, as well as milepost (MP) markers (Thank you, NDEQ!) and a couple of waterbody crossings. Drill down from the MP information bubble, one can also call up the Voluntary Evacuation Zone, US aquifers and, for those seeking more detail, the official NDEQ Google Earth file where one can locate access roads, valve and pumping stations, and more (NDEQ didn’t include icons, so you’ll need to hunt and peck a bit).

These files are for personal use only. Distribution and posting to the Internet is not permitted without written permission. All site contents ©Thomas Bachand 2012.

Tracking Keystone Eminent Domain Et Al

Update Nov. 26, 2012: The first installment of the Eminent Domain Map can be found on the KMP Google Earth views, the Keystone 2D Complete map, and this custom Google Map view. Eminent domain filings are shown by county. If you have eminent domain or related information to share, please contact the Keystone Mapping Project »

TransCanada CEO Russ Girling says that the company “partners” with 60,000 landowners on daily basis. One also hears, though, of landowners being strong-armed by the company into cooperating, through eminent domain or the threat of legal action. Others feel they’ve been misled by the company.

I’m soliciting submissions for markers on a new KMP map view: Keystone Eminent Domain Et Al. Location markers will be created for those who send me:

If you’d like to remain anonymous on the map view, please indicate so in your email and include the longitude/latitude of the nearest town or municipality. I will still need your contact information so as to verify your submission and insure the integrity of the map. In any case, your contact information will NOT be included in the map unless requested, nor will it be shared with anyone. Anonymous submissions will not be considered.

To send a submission: